<제 1회 광주광역시 전국 청소년 영어 토론대회 결과 발표 안내입니다.>
이번 토론 대회는 두 영역(International-외부, National-내부)으로 광주광역시 소재인 전남대학교에서 11월 18-19일 양일간에 걸쳐 진행 되었습니다. 대회는 3명이 한 팀이 되어 다른 3팀과 1:1 토론을 벌여 3팀 모두 이겨야 윗단계로 올라가는 방식으로 진행이 되었습니다.
본교(GVCS) 학생들은 총 9명이 3팀(International 2팀, National 1팀)을 구성하여 대회에 참가했으며, National(내부) 부문에 참가했던 팀이 70여개의 팀 가운데 3위를 기록했습니다.
The Debate was the first Youth English Debate Competition held in Gwangju at Chonnam University.
The debate competition provided two different entry possibilties. The students could debate in either the national or international divisions. GVCS sent one team to the national division, which included more than 70 teams. For teams to make it past the first round they were required to have three one on one debates with other teams. Each team consisted of three memebers. Our national team won all three moving on to the next round and finished third overall.
We also had two teams of three compete in the international division. Both teams won two of their first three debate competitions, but could not make it to next round of eight. There were over fifty teams in that division.