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미국에 전지훈련 중인
우리 GVCS야구팀이
미국 First Baptist 팀과 겨룬 오늘 경기에서
6:5로 승리하였습니다.
상대팀은 우리보다 1살 위의 학생들이라서
쉬운 경기가 아니었습니다.
마지막 이닝까지 손에 땀을 쥐게 하는 대접전을 벌인 결과
6:5로 이겼습니다.
우리 선수들을 격려하는 댓글을 많이 올려주시고
금요일에 있을 다음 경기를 위하여
기도하여 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
야구부전지훈련단 단장 강성봉 올림
Tigers beat First Baptist 6 to 5
I am so glad to announce that today, White Tigers, GVCS baseball team won the 5th game of the "Bay Area Baseball League" in Houston, Texas, USA. We beat the First Baptist School 6 to 5.
It was a hard-fought game. In the begging we started leading the game obtaining 3 runs in the 2nd inning, but the opponent was in hot pursuit of us. It was impossible to predict exactly which team will win until the last inning(7th inning for middle school students)) However, our team finally won after many turnovers
We will have the 6th game on Friday evening. Please keep supporting us and praying to God.
Sung Bong Kang